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  • A Quick Profile of Me at the Invision App Blog

    WHAT IS THE MOST FRUSTRATING ASPECT OF DESIGN? I don’t like when people quit. And I don’t mean quit the job; I mean quit on an idea. You can tell they’re starting…

  • Thank You, Steve Jobs

    Reprinted here from the Cutter Consortium (full publication here) and Social@Ogilvy blog, to which I contributed these words: I, like many who have benefitted from the genius of Steve Jobs, can’t imagine what…

  • The Promise of Social Media

    Events like those unfolding in Japan put things in perspective for me this week. SXSW seems so hard to think about when a Tsunami wave from Japan was captured on video in…

  • Thoughts On Location-Based Services

    As mobile phones and other devices become more “location aware”, marketers are starting to wrap their heads around this new information about their consumers. I think this presents a huge opportunity to…

  • First Post on 360

    Here’s a first. I’ve been asked by my company to write regular posts on their blog. Here’s my first one: Link

  • Nielsen and Nuts

    For the uninitiated, Jakob Nielsen is a usability guru who made his name in the early 90s by criticizing the poor usability of many websites. His voice helped shape the web and…

  • YouTube on NBC

    In a blatant attempt to take from YouTube’s audience, NBC has launched a new show called IYS (It’s Your Show). In their words, “it’s like YouTube for TV.” You could win up…

  • Defining Your Self Image

    Microsoft’s Zune player is getting all the press lately since it’s release and it just made the rounds on the Today Show. The video has a section when after Matt Lauer and…

  • How Zune Before You Sell Yours?

    With user generated content sharing all the rage, along comes Microsoft and their interpretation of “sharing” as it applies to their new “Zune” MP3 player. New York Times tech writer David Pogue…

  • Homeland Security Issues on YouTube

    And you thought YouTube was all about backyard wrestling moves gone wrong or poorly executed viral marketing videos: From the Washington Post: Michael De Kort was frustrated. The 41-year-old Lockheed Martin engineer…